


11 thoughts on “Mac上的PS模擬器

  1. 因為博士你沒有對這作品有破關的怨念 XD

    沒破 Orz

  2. 可是遊戲沒破,感覺上就像芒刺在背,總有種拉屎拉不乾淨的不爽感。不過人生還是要繼續過就是了…


  3. 望著一堆古早的超任和PS遊戲,偶而想起這個問題,”一生中有那些遊戲是我非玩破台不可?”

  4. I haven’t a clue what it is to give a sense to a notion; the notion of giving sense to a notion hasn’t been given a sense, either in this context or, as far as I know, in any other. (I’ve been told that sense are sometimes given to concepts at Oxford after the gates close to visitors; but that may be a leg-pull.) by texas hold’em

  5. Pingback: super bowl tickets

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