[Zombified] 阿達利阻止Bioware繼續更新NWN?!


Atari understands the importance and popularity of the mod community, which has supported the Neverwinter Nights franchise for years. Atari remains as committed to the franchise and the growing members of the community as ever and we’ve still got quite a bit more news in-store for everyone between now and September. Our goal is to make Neverwinter Nights 2 one of the most compelling RPG experiences seen in years by also making it one of the most mod-friendly games ever.

大意就是說:「Atari仍然一本初衷地願意繼續支援NWN系列遊戲…blah blah…我們最大的目標是讓NWN2成為這幾年來最為精彩的RPG遊戲體驗…」內文頗為閃躲,似乎暗示了就算沒有外傳的大動作,也至少下了點不足為外人道的功夫。


3 thoughts on “[Zombified] 阿達利阻止Bioware繼續更新NWN?!

  1. square99,


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